Digital Carbon Footprint: A Practical Guide for Businesses 

Jun 13, 2024 | Green Business, Sustainable Marketing, Tips

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In the modern digital age, businesses are increasingly reliant on technology and data to drive their operations and decision-making processes. While digitalisation has undoubtedly brought about significant benefits, such as increased efficiency and access to vast amounts of information, it has also given rise to a new challenge: the growing digital carbon footprint.

What is Digital Sustainability?

Digital sustainability in business refers to the practice of minimising the environmental impact of an organisation’s digital activities and infrastructure. This encompasses a wide range of areas, including data storage, processing, transmission, and the use of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI. The concept of digital sustainability recognises that while digital technologies can be leveraged to drive positive change, they also have the potential to contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions if not managed responsibly (Teuful and Sprus, 2020).

The Importance of Digital Sustainability for Businesses

The pursuit of digital sustainability is not only an ethical imperative but also a strategic necessity for businesses in the 21st century. Governments around the world are setting ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the USA aiming to cut emissions by 50-52% by 2030 and the UK seeking to achieve a 68% reduction by 2035. As a result, businesses that fail to prioritise digital sustainability risk falling behind in the transition to a low-carbon economy and may face increased regulatory pressure and reputational damage.

Moreover, the environmental impact of digitalisation is becoming increasingly significant. It is estimated that the digital sector currently accounts for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, with this figure set to rise as the demand for data storage and processing continues to grow exponentially (Teuful and Sprus, 2020). The IoT alone is expected to generate 79 zettabytes of data worldwide by 2025, requiring vast amounts of energy to store and process. Consequently, businesses that do not take steps to manage their digital carbon footprint risk contributing to the escalating climate crisis.

The Positive Impacts of Digital Sustainability

Embracing digital sustainability can bring about numerous benefits for businesses, beyond simply reducing their environmental impact. By implementing sustainable digital practices, organisations can:

  1. Enhance their reputation and brand image: Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of the brands they support. A study by Havas Worldwide (2016) found that 62% of consumers want their favourite brands to play a bigger role in solving social problems. By demonstrating a commitment to digital sustainability, businesses can differentiate themselves and build stronger relationships with environmentally conscious customers.
  2. Improve operational efficiency and reduce costs: Sustainable digital practices, such as optimising data storage and processing, can help businesses streamline their operations and reduce energy consumption. This not only lowers their carbon footprint but also leads to cost savings through reduced energy bills and more efficient use of resources.
  3. Foster innovation and competitive advantage: The pursuit of digital sustainability can drive innovation within organisations as they seek new ways to reduce their environmental impact. By developing sustainable digital solutions, businesses can gain a competitive edge in an increasingly environmentally conscious market.
  4. Attract and retain talent: Younger generations, particularly Millennials and Generation Z, place a high value on working for organisations that prioritise sustainability and social responsibility. A study by the Harvard Business Review (2019) found that 70% of Millennials would choose to work for a company with a strong environmental agenda. By embracing digital sustainability, businesses can attract and retain top talent who are passionate about making a positive impact.

Lowering the Digital Carbon Footprint: A Guide for Businesses

To effectively reduce their digital carbon footprint, businesses must adopt a holistic approach that encompasses both technological solutions and organisational culture change.

The following steps can serve as a guide for organisations looking to embark on their digital sustainability journey:

Step Action Description Key Points
1 Conduct a digital carbon footprint assessment Gain a clear understanding of the organisation’s current digital carbon footprint by auditing all digital assets. – Audit data centres, devices, and software
– Identify areas of high energy consumption and inefficiency
– Use specialised tools and consulting services for accurate measurement and monitoring
2 Develop a digital sustainability strategy Based on the insights gained from the assessment, develop a comprehensive digital sustainability strategy. – Outline specific goals, targets, and initiatives
– Align with the organisation’s overall sustainability objectives
– Involve stakeholders from across the business for buy-in and effective implementation
3 Optimise data storage and processing Reduce the digital carbon footprint by optimising data storage and processing. – Consolidate data centres
– Migrate to more energy-efficient cloud solutions
– Implement data archiving and deletion policies to reduce redundant or unnecessary data storage
4 Embrace renewable energy Power digital infrastructure with renewable energy sources to significantly reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint. – Purchase renewable energy certificates
– Invest in on-site renewable energy generation
– Partner with green data centre providers
5 Foster a culture of digital sustainability Engage employees and foster a culture of digital sustainability for the long-term success of sustainability initiatives. – Provide training and awareness programs on sustainable digital practices
– Encourage the use of energy-efficient devices and software
– Recognise and reward employees who demonstrate a commitment to digital sustainability
6 Collaborate with partners and suppliers Extend digital sustainability efforts by engaging with partners and suppliers to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices. – Set sustainability criteria for vendor selection
– Collaborate on joint sustainability initiatives
– Share best practices and knowledge to drive industry-wide change
7 Continuously monitor and optimise Continuously monitor progress and adapt strategies as new technologies and best practices emerge. – Conduct regular reporting and benchmarking against industry standards
– Stay on track and identify areas for further improvement
– Treat digital sustainability as an ongoing journey


The Real Value of Sustainable Communications for Businesses

Investing in sustainable marketing and communications creates significant value for businesses beyond enhancing reputation. By engaging stakeholders on sustainability issues, businesses can drive innovation, strengthen relationships, mitigate risks, and future-proof their operations.

Sustainable marketing catalyzes innovation, opens new markets, and drives long-term growth. Demonstrating genuine commitment to sustainability builds stronger, more resilient relationships with customers, employees, investors, and communities, leading to increased loyalty and support. Proactively addressing sustainability challenges and communicating transparently helps businesses navigate the complex, evolving landscape of the low-carbon economy, ensuring long-term success and resilience.

Digital sustainability has emerged as a critical imperative for businesses to contribute to the global fight against climate change while unlocking value for stakeholders. By adopting sustainable marketing and communications strategies aligned with authentic sustainability values, businesses can amplify their impact, drive positive change, and position themselves for success in the low-carbon economy.

Embracing digital sustainability and sustainable communications reduces environmental impact and creates lasting value for stakeholders, contributing to a more resilient and prosperous future for all.


References Belz, F. M., & Peattie, K. (2012). Sustainability marketing: A global perspective (2nd ed.). Wiley.

Bernyte, S. (2018). Sustainability marketing communications based on consumer values and principles. Regional Formation and Development Studies, 26(3), 26-35.

Great Britain. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. (2021). Industrial decarbonisation strategy.

Havas Worldwide. (2016). Project Superbrand: 10 truths reshaping the corporate world.

Nielsen. (2018, November 9). Global consumers seek companies that care about environmental issues.

Statista. (2020). Data volume of IoT connected devices worldwide from 2019 to 2025.

Written by
Pollyanna Durbin


For more information on how sustainability can positively impact your business. Get in touch with a member of the team at 

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