Examples of Sustainable Marketing 

Sep 16, 2024 | Green Business, Sustainable Marketing

Examples of Sustainable Marketing

In recent years, sustainability has become a key priority for consumers and businesses alike. As more people recognise the urgent need to address climate change and protect our planet’s resources, brands are finding innovative ways to incorporate sustainability into their marketing strategies. But what exactly is sustainable marketing, and why should companies embrace it? Let’s explore the benefits of sustainable marketing before diving into some examples of sustainable marketing strategies and campaigns that drive change.


What is Sustainable Marketing?

Unlike traditional marketing, sustainable marketing takes a holistic approach to promoting products and services that are environmentally and socially responsible, using methods that minimise our digital carbon footprint. While green marketing prioritises environmental protection, sustainable marketing factors social responsibility into business and marketing strategies. Rather than focusing solely on profits, sustainable marketing balances commercial success with positive outcomes for people and the planet.

How is Sustainable Marketing better for the Planet?

By highlighting eco-friendly practices and encouraging more sustainable consumption, sustainable marketing helps reduce waste, conserve resources, and lower carbon emissions. It also raises awareness about environmental issues and empowers consumers to make more responsible choices. Ultimately, sustainable marketing shifts business models and consumer behaviour in a more environmentally conscious direction, while minimising the digital carbon footprint of marketing efforts.

The Importance of Sustainable Marketing for Sustainable Brands

For brands committed to sustainability, effectively communicating their mission and values is crucial for connecting with conscious consumers. Sustainable marketing: 

  • Helps sustainable brands stand out in a crowded marketing place.  
  • Builds trust and loyalty with environmentally conscious consumers.    
  • Enhances brand reputation
  • Reinforces brand values and demonstrates authenticity.  
  • Can lead to increased investment opportunities from the rising number of responsible investors. 

By highlighting their sustainable practices through strategic marketing, sustainable brands can attract like-minded customers and drive business growth. However, authenticity is a crucial aspect of any sustainable marketing strategy, to avoid potential greenwashing.

Examples of Sustainable Marketing Strategies


Let’s look at some effective sustainable marketing approaches that brands can adopt: 

Highlighting eco-friendly product features:

Many companies are redesigning products to be more eco-friendly and using this as a selling point in their marketing strategy. This could include using recycled materials, improving energy efficiency, or creating recyclable packaging.

Partnering with environmental causes 

Brands can make a positive impact while boosting their sustainable credentials by collaborating with environmental non-profits or supporting conservation projects. Partnerships like these often form the basis of cause marketing campaigns. 

Encouraging sustainable consumer behaviour 

Brands can use their marketing platforms to educate consumers about environmental issues and inspire them to adopt sustainable habits. Leveraging marketing platforms in this way can position a brand as a thought leader in the industry.  

Transparent supply chain communications 

Showcasing ethical sourcing practices and sustainability efforts throughout the supply chain helps build trust with conscious consumers. 

Carbon footprint labelling 

A growing number of companies are calculating and clearly displaying the carbon footprint of their products, empowering customers to make lower-impact choices. 

Align your campaigns with environmental and social awareness events 

Leveraging the buzz around awareness events (e.g. Plastic Free July, Veganuary etc.) can help get sustainable brands to connect with the right audience. Some brands even monopolise notoriously unsustainable events to showcase their commitment to sustainability, as we’ll see with Patagonia’s innovative example of sustainable marketing genius.

Examples of Sustainable Marketing Campaigns

To see how these strategies work in practice, let’s examine some clever examples of sustainable marketing campaigns from leading brands. 

    Patagonia’s “Don’t Buy This Jacket” Campaign

    Outdoor clothing company Patagonia took an unconventional approach with its memorable Black Friday advertisement telling customers “Don’t Buy This Jacket”. The ad detailed the environmental cost of the company’s best-selling fleece jacket and encouraged shoppers to consider the impact of consumerism. Their bold campaign messaging reinforced Patagonia’s commitment to sustainability and responsible consumption. By taking an anti-consumerist stance, the brand paradoxically boosted customer loyalty and sales in the long run.

    Ikea’s “Fortune Favours the Frugal” Initiative

    Swedish furniture giant IKEA launched its “Fortune Favours the Frugal” campaign to highlight how sustainable living can also be cost-effective. The campaign showcased affordable products that help reduce energy, water and food waste at home. By connecting sustainability with savings, IKEA made sustainable choices more appealing to budget-conscious consumers. This innovative framing helped drive sales of their eco-friendly product ranges.

    Adidas x Parley Ocean Plastic Collaboration

    Sportswear brand Adidas partnered with environmental organisation Parley for the Oceans to create a line of shoes made from recycled ocean plastic. Parley first announced the partnership on Earth Day in 2015, generating significant buzz for both brands.

    This creative collaboration allowed Adidas to take concrete action on plastic pollution while also producing an innovative, sought-after product. The campaign successfully merged sustainability with cutting-edge design, boosting brand reputation in the process.

    Carlsberg’s Snap Pack

    Danish brewer Carlsberg replaced plastic can rings with an innovative “Snap Pack” – a recyclable glue that holds cans together. They promoted their new packaging solution, emphasising the dramatic reduction in plastic waste. Carlsberg cleverly solved a common environmental issue and positioned itself as an eco-innovator in the beverage industry, attracting widespread media coverage and consumer interest.

    Who Gives a Crap’s Cheeky Approach

    Australian toilet paper company Who Gives a Crap uses humour and quirky branding to promote its range of recycled and bamboo toilet paper. Their irreverent marketing highlights how they donate 50% of profits to sanitation projects in developing countries.

    This playful approach makes discussions around sustainability more engaging and helps them stand out in a traditionally boring product category. Their memorable marketing has driven rapid growth and built a loyal customer base.

    Key Takeaways From These Examples of Sustainable Marketing

    These examples of sustainable marketing reveal some key principles for impactful campaigns: 

    1. Be authentic – ensure sustainability claims are genuine and aligned with your brand values. 
    2. Get creative – find unexpected ways to communicate your sustainable practices and values.
    3. Solve real problems – address tangible environmental issues that resonate with customers, tailoring your marketing strategy to their pain points. 
    4. Make it easy – show how simple and convenient sustainable choices can be. 
    5. Tell a story – craft compelling narratives around your sustainability journey. 
    6. Be transparent – openly share the successes and challenges of your sustainability journey.  

    By incorporating these principles into sustainable marketing campaigns, brands can connect with conscious consumers and drive positive change.

    The Future of Sustainable Marketing

    As environmental concerns become increasingly urgent, we can expect to see sustainability playing an even bigger role in marketing strategies across all industries. Emerging trends like carbon labelling, circular economy initiatives and regenerative business models are likely to feature prominently in future marketing campaigns. For more information about circular economies and other sustainable marketing principles, check out our sustainability glossary

    Forward-thinking brands will find innovative ways to reduce their environmental impact while inspiring customers to embrace more sustainable lifestyles. Ultimately, successful sustainable marketing will go beyond just promoting environmentally and socially responsible products, it will fundamentally shift mindsets and behaviours to create a more sustainable world for future generations.

    How Can Sustainable Marketing Agencies Help

    As outlined in this article, sustainable marketing agencies can be powerful drivers of change in the sustainability movement. With their combined expertise in sustainability and marketing, they can enhance sustainable initiatives by connecting sustainable brands with conscious consumers. By leveraging the power of digital marketing, sustainable marketing agencies can promote sustainable habits and empower customers to choose products that benefit people and the planet. In addition, sustainable marketing agencies can help businesses lower their digital carbon footprint by implementing low-impact sustainable marketing strategies. 

    If you’re looking to grow your sustainable brand while having a positive impact, consider partnering with a sustainable marketing agency like growfish.co.



    1. https://www.ibm.com/topics/business-sustainability#:~:text=Consumers%20are%20willing%20to%20pay,sustainability%20is%20important%20to%20them.&text=Governments%2C%20investors%2C%20employees%20and%20customers,action%20to%20address%20climate%20change.
    2. https://www.warc.com/newsandopinion/opinion/brand-in-action-how-who-gives-a-crap-uses-humour-to-enable-sustainable-behaviours/en-gb/6353 
    3. https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/stories/dont-buy-this-jacket-black-friday-and-the-new-york-times/story-18615.html?srsltid=AfmBOopQMMtM5wNAnqADFP46-MUdmgLdfyODROsN5xLOe91u-zxMrKdW
    4. https://www.carlsberggroup.com/sustainability/case-stories/snap-pack-an-innovation-to-reduce-plastic/
    5. https://parley.tv/initiatives/adidasxparley
    6. https://www.creativemoment.co/ikea-launches-new-campaign-forune-favours-the-frugal 

    portrait of Marta Gintowt

    Written by
    Tiggy O’Connnor


    For more information about growing your sustainable business with a sustainable marketing strategy, get in touch with a member of the team at growfish.co. We’d love to hear form you!

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