
Ruby Cup

Fighting period poverty since 2011

Ruby Cup is an incredible social enterprise focused on creating healthy and sustainable period care. Since 2011, they have reached over 150,000 people struggling to access safe period products. The original menstrual cup – Ruby Cup – comes with a buy one donate one scheme; the business donates menstrual cups to communities facing period poverty all over the world. We worked with Ruby Cup on an SEO and content strategy, creating content across social platforms and their blog that would help engage audiences and communicate their impact of driving real social change. We also launched and wrote copy for their new period underwear collection, Ruby Life Period Underwear – thoughtfully designed, sustainably made period pants for unrestricted movement and complete peace of mind.
Thank you Ruby Cup for all that you do!

Strategy, Content, Social Media


“We really enjoyed working with Growfish across our web, email and social and look forward to future collaborations. They are the perfect agency when you need to bring in an extra pair of hands; they really care.” 

– Amaia Arranz, CEO