Sustainability in Ibiza: Building a Resilient Local Economy

Sep 4, 2024 | Green Business, Sustainable Marketing

sustainability in Ibiza

Like many popular holiday destinations in Spain, the “party island” Ibiza, is suffering from the environmental and social consequences of mass tourism. However, a growing number of local initiates and businesses are laying the foundation for a more environmentally conscious and economically resilient island. In this article, we’ll dive into the growing importance of fostering sustainability in Ibiza and the grassroots initiatives leading the charge.


What Are the Environmental Issues in Ibiza?

In 2023, a record 3.7 million tourists flocked to Ibiza for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife, putting considerable strain on the island’s infrastructure and local environment. The unsustainable development driven by tourism has led to resource depletion, waste management issues and extensive habitat loss. Fragile ecosystems are threatened by urbanisation and tourism projects, including golf courses and marinas. In addition, the increasing demand for water and energy has spurred reliance on polluting desalination plants. Fostering sustainability in Ibiza is becoming increasingly necessary as traditional farming declines, biodiversity suffers, and forest fire risks rise. Despite tourism posing significant challenges to the island, the industry accounts for 84% of the island’s economy. As outlined in this post, urgent action is needed to build a sustainable economy that balances tourism with environmental preservation. 

Nurturing Sustainability in Ibiza

Cultivating sustainability in Ibiza is challenging due to the island’s history of unsustainable economic development driven by rapid tourism-driven growth. Shifting Ibiza’s economy away from its heavy reliance on tourism and towards local, sustainable businesses is crucial for developing the local economy. The solution lies in grassroots initiatives that prioritise a local, circular economy. Involving local communities, and encouraging practices that reduce reliance on external resources while protecting the island’s natural ecosystems is essential for achieving long-term sustainability in Ibiza.

Sustainability Initiatives in Ibiza

Fortunately, Ibiza is not short of sustainable initiatives working to build a sustainable economy on the island.

Juntos Farm: Accelerating the Transition to Local Regenerative Food System

Juntos Farm started as a family project in 2018 and has since turned into a community hub, dedicated to organic, regenerative farming practices. They don’t use pesticides or synthetic fertilisers, focusing instead on supporting soil health and biodiversity. The initiative goes beyond simply growing food, serving as a flagship destination to support a local regenerative food system in the hopes of “restoring the ‘culture’ in ‘agriculture’”. By addressing the challenges facing small-scale organic farmers, they’re paving the way for a more resilient agricultural sector on the island.

IbizaPreservation: Guardians of the Island’s Natural Beauty

IbizaPreservation stands as a crucial force in promoting environmental stewardship. This non-profit foundation works to conserve and regenerate Ibiza and Formentera’s natural environment. Their efforts span various sectors including land protection, biodiversity, marine conservation, and waste management. Here are a few of their key initiatives: 

  • Sustainability Observatory: this project tracks socio-environmental issues on the island, providing valuable data to guide conservation priorities. 
  • Circular Economy: raising awareness and promoting more sustainable and circular habits to tackle problems like Ibiza’s waste crisis. 
  • Ibiza Produce: a platform connecting local producers with consumers to regenerate soils and landscapes, and develop the local economy. 

Six Senses: Luxury Meets Sustainability in Ibiza

Six Senses Ibiza is leading the hospitality sector in embracing sustainability in Ibiza. As the first BREEAM-certified resort in the Balearics, they’ve set a new standard for sustainable luxury. Their dedication to using local and organic materials in construction and operations showcases how high-end tourism can coexist with environmental sustainability. 

In addition, their sustainability efforts extend beyond their own operations. They also support local organisations making positive social and environmental impacts, through their Sustainability Fund. This approach demonstrates how businesses can support their local communities to foster sustainability in Ibiza. 

Ecofeixes: Ibiza’s First Organic Cooperative

Ecofeixes, a cooperative of organic producers, is revolutionising Ibiza’s organic landscape. Comprising 14 farms across the island, they’re on a mission to promote local organic products and improve their accessibility. By supporting Ecofeixes, consumers contribute to the development of the local economy, conservation of heritage landscapes, and reduction of CO2 emissions. This initiative exemplifies how sustainable agriculture can benefit both the environment and the community.

sustainability in ibiza

Casita Verde: Educating for a Sustainable Future

Education is key to long-term sustainability, and Casita Verde is at the forefront of this effort. This ecology and education centre teaches sustainable, healthy living through the practical application of permaculture principles and the use of alternative energies.

Casita Verde offers visitors unique experiences, from tours to workshops, helping them adopt more fulfilling and ecological lifestyles. Their work in networking with like-minded organisations amplifies their impact, creating a ripple effect of sustainability across Ibiza and beyond.

Electro Solar: Harnessing Ibiza’s Sunshine

With over 300 days of sunshine annually, Ibiza is perfectly positioned to leverage solar energy. Electro Solar, a specialist residential solar energy installation company, is helping islanders tap into this abundant resource. Their work not only reduces energy bills but also contributes to a cleaner environment.

Electro Solar aren’t just installing solar panels; they’re empowering Ibiza’s residents to take control of their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint.

Sustainability in Ibiza: Building a Circular Economy

A circular economy in Ibiza would mean reduced waste, more efficient use of resources, and a more resilient local economy. These initiatives are more than isolated efforts; they’re interconnected solutions building a sustainable economy across Ibiza. By promoting local production, collaboration, and regenerative practices, they’re laying the foundation for a robust circular economy. To learn more about circular economies and other sustainability principles, check out our glossary of key sustainability terms

How Sustainable Marketing Agencies in Ibiza Can Accelerate Sustainability

As we’ve seen in this post, Ibiza is not short of sustainable initiatives working to protect and regenerate the island’s resources and secure its future. The challenge now is to amplify these efforts to speed up the transformation of the island’s economy. Undoing Ibiza’s unsustainable economic model and building long-term sustainability requires collaboration. Sustainable marketing agencies in Ibiza have a critical role in promoting sustainability and shifting consumer behaviour. As outlined in our previous blog post, sustainable marketing agencies in Ibiza have the power to catalyse sustainable solutions like those mentioned above. By harnessing the power of digital marketing, sustainable marketing agencies can help these organisations stand out and inspire positive change.


For sustainable businesses and organisations in Ibiza looking to amplify their efforts and have a positive impact, consider partnering with a sustainable business like




portrait of Marta Gintowt

Written by
Tiggy O’Connnor


For sustainable brands looking to grow their business and have a positive impact, get in touch with a member of We’d love to hear from you!

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