Staying Relevant with a Sustainable Branding Strategy

May 22, 2024 | Green Business, Sustainable Marketing, Tips


A clear market trend is that as the climate changes, so does consumer behaviour. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their everyday decisions, including the brands they buy from. With consumers choosing to align themselves with brands that share their commitment to preserving the planet, a sustainable branding strategy is quickly becoming a necessity for building brand trust and relevance with emerging conscious consumers. 

Consumer behaviour is evolving with the climate

As the realities of the climate crisis become increasingly apparent, consumer behaviour is rapidly shifting. A recent study by NelsonIQ found that globally, one in ten (11.2%) consumers say that “environmentally friendly” and “sustainability” are the most important attributes they look for when choosing a brand, which is reassuring in light of the current cost of living crisis. Millennials in particular are more cautious with their spending habits, choosing to prioritise brands that are committed to social responsibility and sustainability. NielsenIQ reported 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products, with that number jumping to 73% for millennials. Now more than ever, consumers are not just looking to buy a product, they’re looking to support brands that share their sustainable values.

What is a sustainable branding strategy?

At its core, your brand represents your company’s values and beliefs – it’s what connects you to your consumers. From your logo to your mission statement, your brand tells your story. A sustainable branding strategy involves making sustainability an integral part of that story. Taking a “sense-of-mission” approach and consistently communicating your commitment to sustainability, from your product packaging to the way you show up on social media, gives your brand visibility among conscious consumers. 

Staying relevant in a changing climate

While branding has always had a significant influence on consumer behaviour, we’re seeing a shift in people’s priorities. Evidence shows that this change is accelerating, with a recent study by NielsenIQ reporting that almost two-thirds (61%) of UK consumers feel sustainability is more important now than it was three years ago – suggesting a sustainable branding strategy is vital to staying culturally relevant in today’s market. 

The importance of authenticity in your sustainable branding strategy

With increased attention to brand values comes a rise in scepticism over sustainable claims. Conscious consumers can spot greenwashing from a mile away, making authenticity crucial to building trust with your audience. Have a look at our post on avoiding greenwashing. Being transparent about your environmental initiatives, goals, and challenges is vital to creating a sustainable brand and helps build trust with your customers. 

A core business principle is that it costs more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. The key to cultivating long-lasting customer loyalty is by building a foundation of brand trust through authenticity – a sustainable strategy in itself.

The evidence is clear that implementing an authentic sustainable branding strategy is vital to connecting with conscious consumers and staying relevant in today’s climate. 

The changing climate of sustainability has reached a critical moment

A guide to sustainable marketing and branding

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portrait of Marta Gintowt

Written by
Tiggy O’Connor



For more information on how a sustainable marketing strategy can help your purpose-driven business, get in touch with a member of our team, we would love to hear from you!

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